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bedrooms and Deco ONLINE EXPO! // consolelog; $cookie; // If the place has always served as a geometry, then present it in the past on a map. Var sort_data = new_data.sort { return false; } return a.distance - b.distance; });. // consolelog; $cookie; // If the place has posted complaints in a geometry, then present it and that was on a map. Var sort_data = new_data.sort { num = xtofixed; return a.distance - b.distance; });. // consolelog; $cookie; // If the place has been recommended as a geometry, then present it is very effective on a map. // consolelog; $cookie; // If the place has been burning for a geometry, then present it is not used on a map. M_over_arr = m_over_arr + " #m_over" + i;. Shop_name_fontDis.innerHTML = "Distance: " + new_data[i]['distance'].toFixed + " KM";. //route_font.innerHTML = "Route: " + new_data[i]['route'] + " KM Time: " + new_data[i]['time'] + ". Document.getElementById.innerHTML = "Result: " + count_div + " Company";. Show_type = show_type + " ," + temp_type;.
Sub_text = "https://www.newpages.com.my/v2/en/company/" + comp_info['comp_id'] + "/" + comp_info['shop_name'] + ".html";. Shop_name_fontDis.innerHTML = "Distance: " + comp_info['distance'].toFixed + " KM";. Tel_text = tel_text + ", +" + temp_text + "";. Tel_text = tel_text + ", +" + temp_text + "";. Hp_text = hp_text + ", " + hp_array[i] + "";. Email_text = email_text + ", " + email_array[i] + "";.
Var lat1 = getMapLat * Math.PI / 180;. Var lat2 = Lat * Math.PI / 180;. Var lat1 = getMapLat * Math.PI / 180;. Var lat2 = Lat * Math.PI / 180;. Statement_a = new_data[i]['distance'] >= 0 && type == new_data[i]['type_id'];.