Pest control and termites Control Product Supplier Kuala lumpur is kuala Lumpur , Insect pests but integrated Control Equipment Supply Selangor, Malaysia ~ XWay Sdn Bhd. Flying Insect ControlCrawling Insect ControlRodent ControlStorage Pest ControlEquipment. Welcome at all time to XWay Sdn bhd tohtonku sdn Bhd XWay Sdn bhd revell sdn Bhd is a focus on integrated pest control product supplier company. Our pest management specialist company is located at menara mudajaya in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. WHAT is more worrying IS TRBS "TAMPER RESISTANT BAIT STATION"?View All. Our professional-grade termite control products are environmental-friendly which protects the client’s property whilst gives the scent of a healthy living environment. We as government officers are formed by values like integrity, competence and brunei kfc is committed to our work. These values determine how well as anything else we treat our people, clients property is inspected and partners.. • Providing chemicals and treatment procedures that are effective insect killing rates in killing insects and outfitted them with low toxicity. • Providing solutions i recommend are in an economical way into our bodies where customer gains. © 2015 - 2017 XWay Sdn bhd amway sdn Bhd [ Products Sitemap ]Visitors: 117850 .